The key to improving a baseball pitcher's overall performance is recognizing what is holding him back. Studying a pitchers mechanics through video analysis, bullpens, game footage, and individual instruction is crucial in recognizing the flaws in a pitchers delivery which could impact optimal performance.
The proper pitching mechanics will result in "The Big 3" – command, movement, and velocity. Most importantly, it reduces the risk of injury; allowing the body to generate most of the power and having the arm come along for the ride will take stress off the arm and decrease the chance of an arm injury. The core muscles, the torque being generated by proper hip rotation, and the drive from the lower extremities will result in a pitcher achieving his peak velocity.
Pitchers are considered to be the best athletes on the field, so it is important for all pitchers to remember to remain free, easy, and "effortless" throughout the delivery and refrain from the robotic methods of many pitching coaches in the baseball world.
There are hundreds of drills that pitchers can implement that will improve balance, arm strength, arm speed, stride length, and direction (specifically staying linear to the plate). In addition, there are drills that will help following through and focusing on finishing over the front side.
We beleive these drills are beneficial, but young pitchers must remain loose and athletic in performing the task at hand. We believe muscle memory will eventually settle in after performing a series of drills with proper mechanics in high repetition. We also encourage our pitchers to long toss, because most kids baby their arms and don't perform enough "pure" throwing. The best way to increase arm strength is long toss in conjuction with a solid conditioning program.
Storm Baseball Academy (map)
7 Terminal Road
West Hempstead, NY 11552